Book Review: Before Green Gables by Budge Wilson

Before Green Gables
by Budge Wilson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really loved this “prequel” to the series about Anne of Green Gables!

I felt Budge Wilson completely captured the life and times of Anne’s “upbringing” before meeting the Cuthberts, so aptly and well … although there were times when I thought Anne spoke a little too eloquently for a 5 year old 😉

But still, that’s what we have come to expect from Anne Shirley, isn’t it?  🙂

And the stories and adventures that Budge wrote into Anne’s eleven years before we catch up with her at Avonlea, were perfectly fitting to how LM Montgomery wrote the stories since her adoption by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert.

All round, a beautiful and delightful read and recommended to anyone who loves the Anne books as much as I do!

Book Review: Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There’s no doubt about it, Lucy Maude Montgomery is a stunning author!

I decided it was time for me to revisit her Anne series, after not reading them for probably close to 20 years, and found myself immediately drawn into Anne’s world of Avonlea, and Green Gables, and the usual childhood of getting into trouble, saying the wrong things, and coming through the other side stronger for it.

If you’ve never heard of Anne of Green Gables, or you’ve heard of her and never read the series, I highly recommend you find yourself a copy (hopefully of the entire series of 10 books!) and enjoy her adventures, as only Lucy can tell them!